Movies and related

The one with Joey Tribbiani

Friends – An inseparable word in everyone’s lives. The same goes with F.R.I.E.N.D.S sitcom which is inseparable among all the TV show fans.

Throughout the Show one character was designed in a mind-blowing way and I kept wondering, How on earth someone can be like this? Really? and that character has a whole lot of great qualities 😉  and here I would like to share 7 great qualities😎, of Joey Tribbiani.


1. The one where Joey Loves food:
Every one knows Joey loves food and the most important of all is that..


Joey’s priorities for food..


Joey don’t like wasting food..

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2. The one where Joey Loves Chandler:
Joey who was being unemployed and an aspiring actor, he solely was dependent on Chandler. He always loved Chandler for being with him during those harsh times and in one such moment, when Joey had to move out he left his favourite Foosball table for Chandler.

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When Monica and Chandler were running around and making love, Joey took all the blame and awkwardness not uttering their little secret.


3. The one where Joey can pick up any girl 😉 :
Ah! Here comes our Joey’s special skills in picking  up girls with his special line..



Joey always got some special moves to impress girls

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4. The one where Joey is big at Heart:
Remember, Joey took Rachel and Emma with him after Ross behaved like a douche bag?


When Phoebe pretended to be pregnant to cover Rachel Joey proposed to her, so that Phoebe wouldn’t have to raise a baby alone and this shows how big at heart he is.


5. The one where joey is Innocent:
Joey invented a Map use system when he couldn’t find the map quite handy in London 😂


How could we forget when Joey drank a Gallon of milk in 10 seconds? 😈

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6. The one where Joey is Street smart:
Joey once proved Phoebe that “There are no unselfish good deeds


During one of the Christmas parties where Rachel and Monica were sweating due to the broken radiator and unable to fix it nor the maintenance showed up to fix it. Joey walked in and turned it off from underneath.

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Joey didn’t loose his head when he and Ross where struck in terrace. Joey decided to take the Fire exit instead of complaining and screaming.


7. The one where Joey does anything for his Friends:
When Joey dated Urusula, Phoebe’s Twin sister and had to make a choice between her and Phoebe, Joey broke-up with Urusula for his Best Friend.


Joey somehow developed feelings for Rachel but instead of telling that first to Rachel he talked with Ross. So, that he don’t want to hurt his friend.

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When Joey thought Monica was cheating on his Best Friend Chandler he immediately called Chandler and he waited outside Chandler’s apartment to make sure no one escapes.


Joey is one such person we would never come across in this cruel mask faced world and I honestly he is one my most favourite characters of all time. He is one such character and everyone would like to be a Best friend with him. Cheers.. 🙂

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Gif Source: Giphy
Image Source: Google and Pinterest 


A Salesperson by profession. I write about Movies, TV Shows, and Books. I plan to write and publish every week but often I give reasons to not write. Finding my way through exploring writing something else away from my comfort zone.


September 22, 2016 at 8:43 am

where is the l love this blog button when u need one 🙂

that said, I’m mr Bing… could i BE any lesser than him!

September 22, 2016 at 1:53 pm

Joey is just so special.. U hav captured all the beautiful moments wit joey.. 👍

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