Introducing Hinduism: A Graphic Guide – Review
Hinduism is said to be the third most popular Religion by the population, yet there is no definite single religious text or a single god. Hinduism is home to so many gods and religious texts. This book Introduces Hinduism to everyone in a very simple manner.
Author: Vinay Lal and Borin Van Loon
Format: eBook
Pages: 176
Genre: Graphic Guide
Usually, books like this stay biased but surprisingly this didn’t. The author made sure to just capture the history of Hinduism, its intricacies, its evils, and even its hypocrisies beautifully. It starts with Introducing Hinduism, as an idea. Slowly takes us to the uncertainty of its origin, The Caste hierarchy, Philosophy of Hinduism, the Upanishads and gods (Both Male and female) till the modern-day Hinduism and Hindutva.
Throughout the book, the author brought Gandhi to various places, Author must be a fan of Gandhi but there are places where the Author adds his commentary. It is to the point and funny. At times this commentary mocks the hypocrisy in Hinduism, for example, there are so many Goddesses in Hinduism but in the name of Patriarchy, Hindus oppress women.
This is the longest I ever took to complete such a small book, almost 8 months. Few sections came out dry, hence I had to take a break read another book, and come back to this. I highly recommended this book for anyone who would like to have a basic understanding of Hinduism, its origin, current form, and politics around it.
There are so many such guides covering interesting topics, After finishing this I’m very much curious to explore other religions and then slowly get into movements such as Feminism, Marxism, Communism, etc., These books are available on Amazon both in eBooks and Paperbacks. People with Kindle Unlimited Subscription can borrow these books for free and return them when they are done.
Until, next to Book review, Ciao 😇
Happy Reading.