After the Floods – Opinions [1]
Being the master of Procrastination, I’ve been running away from reading this beautiful Anthology for a long time and I finally decided to break the ice. I started reading this book and guess What? I thoroughly enjoy the book.
I would be sharing few posts in order to share my opinions and joy of reading this anthology with fellow Bloggers. In the foot steps of thalaivi Megha Sreeram (Start background meesik) here goes.
Her – by Salesh Dipak Fernando
From the inception of being Madarasapattinam and renamed to its shorter version, Madras for the convenience of Britishers which again was renamed to Chennai with some nativity and local touch. The Author has a different POV on Chennai’s birth till the December floods. Simple but touchy and Powerful message. – by Sai S
Brilliantly written Sci-fi Short Story where you would be spell-bound by the level of satirical comments here and there on the Government with the tinge of Sarcasm.Jumping between the times will make you read the story twice. Authors who make the readers read twice win and that’s my personal opinion.
After the Floods – by Gayathri Lakshminarayanan
Aptly titled as the Story begins after the Floods and her thoughts going back to that awful day is neatly presented. Well, the initial build-up’s clearly made me guess the end, but the Author left me in Anga-oru-twistu-vachurukaru-directoru moment. A Short and Cute story.
Strongest Storms give out the most beautiful Rainbows – by Pavithraa Swaminathan
Unlike the very looong title the story is really short. When most of us here are exploiting our most beautiful lives with Self-obsession, fights for silly things etc., One incident, which slaps us on our faces and shows us the harsh reality of life and our respective places. This is one such story where a girl realises her place. Well crafted and touchy.
Images: Pinterest