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A Murder in Multan – Book Review

Note: I received a free copy of this e-book through Booktasters in return for an honest review.

An ex-pat forensics Scientist Dr. Sujaat Khan visits Pakistan after so many years for his cousin’s marriage where he bears witness to an honour killing. On the other hand, he falls in love with Henna but other complications arise due to a family feud. He learns that Honour Killing was merely a pretense in a much larger conspiracy that goes beyond a couple of generations. Did he resolve the murder? Who was killed and for what? This book holds the answer for you.

Author: A.M. Sardar Language: English No. of Pages: 220 Format: eBook Genre: Whodunit

What I loved the most about this novel is that the Author treads a web of mystery and gives us only a slight peak into what went wrong. He cleverly does that throughout the book and that’s a big win. Eventhough, initially we are introduced to a lot of characters only a few have a good arc and they stay with us for quite a time which is another plus.

As the author is from Pakistan we get to see Pakistan up close in the book and many a time it views from the “White Man’s POV” like how Brazil or Mexico is shown in Hollywood movies or even India for that matter. While I understand that the Lead of the novel was born and brought up in England and it is a cultural shock for him, the author successfully passed on that to us readers as well.

While the book seems largely well-written there are points where despite us knowing the reason for the killing the chase to find the truth seems meh! It is like Sujaat completely forgot about that incident and suddenly he meets someone from the past and it triggers the events which doesn’t make sense because why would someone go to lengths to find a mystery? Eventhough, the author tried to answer it in the book itself it was not enough and that’s a big hole for me. Also, there are a couple of minor grammatical errors that the Editor missed.

Overall, if you’re someone who likes to cuddle up inside your blanket and wants to read a Whodunit novel then this is a very juicy read and I’d highly recommend it. Happy Reading 🙂

A Salesperson by profession. I write about Movies, TV Shows, and Books. I plan to write and publish every week but often I give reasons to not write. Finding my way through exploring writing something else away from my comfort zone.

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